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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№6 2013)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
  • Законодательные требования к обращению с ОПВК
  • Сравнение вариантов учета вторичных ресурсов
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей и многое другое!


  • Выставка «Wasma 2025»

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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 6, June 2013)

    L. Ya. Shubov, O. Borisova, A. G. Yudin, V. S. Grechishkin
    Principles of Zero Waste: modern understanding

    Waste Management, the concept of Zero Waste, zero Waste, a systemic approach to solid waste
    The paper discusses the principles of Zero Waste, the approach proposed by Robin Murray, a well-known economist. These principles apply to material savings and reorganization of the waste management strategy. It refers to treatment of waste with return of organic material, when possible, to the biological chain, and of inorganic material – to the production process chain. Is this possible and how can this be achieved? The changes should take place both in the methods of waste management and in the processes where waste is generated. The publication continues in the next issue.

    A.I. Kalinicheva
    Public organizations: from the initiatives to results

    Coalition «PRO Waste», community projects in waste management, public initiatives in waste management, «Waste. No. More», «green» movement in Russia – «Eka», «Co-Collector», «Separate Sbor», «Save the Tree»,«Sort and Rule!», Really Free Market
    The paper describes activities of a public Coalition «PRO Waste» that unites 10 projects and organizations and implements social projects in waste management. The main work of the Coalition is in education and is aimed at supporting new initiatives involving the maximal possible number of people in the issues of waste management.

    M.M. Bergram
    Extended producer responsibility in waste management

    Extended producer responsibility, the concept of EPR
    The paper discusses the concept of extended producer responsibility (EPR) and provides a brief historical overview and advantages of the EPR concept as a policy for environmental protection. The paper gives examples of groups of products and geographical regions where such concept has been successfully implemented and has led to financial and environmental gains. The main emphasis is on electronic components that can be used as a valuable resource after their end-of-life. This fact affects parameters of the EPR concept. The paper describes processing of electronic and electrical equipment waste in the EU countries.

    O.Kh. Mamedov
    Waste management: the experience of Baku

    SMW management in Baku, energy generation from waste in Baku, Balakhany industrial park
    This paper talks about the significant achievements in SMW management in the capital of Azerbadzhan, Baku. This city has implemented such large projects as the construction of the Baku waste incineration plant with co-generation of energy (WIP) and a waste sorting plant in the settlement Balakhany, and creation of an industrial park. The WIP was constructed by a French company under a EU program on renewable energy sources; the waste sorting plant is using German-made equipment. Reclamation activities at the largest in Baku SMW landfill Balakhany allows creating a modern environmentally safe facility. Educational activities are being widely implemented, including exhibitions "From Waste to Art," youth summer schools, outreach tours, etc.

    I.S. Tikhotskaya
    Japan: innovative approach to SMW management

    SMW management in Japan, sustainable material cycle, waste legislation in Japan
    This paper analyzes an innovative approach to SMW management in Japan. It discusses the process of formation of the SMW management system, the emergence and improvement of legislation in waste management and recycling, and the evolution of ideas and concepts. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the concept of Japan as of a society with the sustainable material cycle and to the project (already third) of the fundamental plan of its creation. The real achievements and specific steps of Japan in developing such society are shown and the importance of mutual activities of the government, municipalities, businesses, public organization, and individual citizens of the country, as well as the strict compliance with the existing legislation are emphasized using specific examples and statistics.

    O.V. Padalco
    ISWA - a leader, partner, and Informburo

    The International Solid Waste Association, ISWA
    The paper provides information on the International Solid Municipal Waste Association (ISWA) – the largest in the world independent non-governmental non-commercial professional organization in waste management. ISWA unites nearly 1500 firms, organizations, and individual specialists form 80 countries focusing on 25 activities in waste management. The Association is closely connected with major environmentally protection agencies and regional organizations in waste management. The paper talks about principles of the Association's activities, its tasks, who can become its member, and the advantages of the membership.

    L.Ya. Shubov, O.N. Borisova, A.G. Yudin, V.S. Grechishkin
    The principles of Zero waste: modern understanding

    Waste Management, the concept of Zero Waste, zero waste, a systemic approach to solid waste
    The paper discusses the principles of Zero Waste. The use of waste as material resources is the alternative to waste incineration with energy co-generation. The authors believe that a good SMW management system includes integrated technological solutions based on the implementation of the waste management hierarchy principles (step-by-step extraction of secondary material resources from SMW based on the creation of a sustainable system of selective collection of waste, sorting, and processing, and utilization of secondary energy resources and disposal of residual waste). The system of «fraction-based collection» of SMW is well suited for Russia: secondary resources are collected separately from the final waste (opposite to the «component-based collection» widely spread in Europe).

    E.D. Chebotareva
    Travel notes on Germany

    Image of Germany, Mitfahrgelegenheit service, dormitory at a German university
    This is an entrancing story about a German approach to the municipal waste problem. What are they – the Germans – in different situations associated with resource saving, their own chariness, environmental protection, and national self-esteem? The author shares with readers the information about many interesting things that can be found there.

    Y. M. Baruzdina
    Galloping through Europe, or travel notes about the benefits of recycling

    Recycling in European countries, scrap metal recycling, reprocessing of old cars, tire recycling, glass recycling
    This article is written by an «MWS» editor on an educational trip to SMW recycling enterprises in a number of European countries. The story is about scrap metal processing, including end-of-life cars, in Belgium and Austria. The articles also talks about organic waste processing in Germany, facilities that process tires and glass, technologies and equipment, separation, briquetting, sorting, etc.
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    Настоящее согласие распространяется на следующие персональные данные: фамилия, имя и отчество, место работы, должность, адрес электронной почты, почтовый адрес доставки заказов, контактный телефон, платёжные реквизиты. Срок действия согласия является неограниченным. Вы можете в любой момент отозвать настоящее согласие, направив письменное уведомление на адрес: podpiska@vedomost.ru с пометкой «Отзыв согласия на обработку персональных данных».

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