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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№5 2013)
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Архив номеров | Подписка

  • Применение механизма особых обстоятельств при реализации концессионных соглашений
  • Обращение с медотходами: вопросы медицинских организаций. Часть 2.
  • Оптические сепараторы: от слов к делу



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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 5, May 2013)

    L.Ya. Shubov, O. Borisova, A.G. Yudin, V.S. Grechishkin
    Principles of Zero Waste: modern understanding

    Waste Management, the concept of Zero Waste, zero Waste, a systemic approach to solid waste
    The paper discusses the principles of Zero Waste, the approach proposed by Robin Murray, a well-known economist. These principles apply to material savings and reorganization of the waste management strategy. It refers to treatment of waste with return of organic material, when possible, to the biological chain, and of inorganic material – to the production process chain. Is this possible and how can this be achieved? The changes should take place both in the methods of waste management and in the processes where waste is generated. The publication continues in the next issue.

    E.P. Bagryantseva, L.S. Pinchuk
    Electret-based biodegradable packaging films: prospects for creation

    Polymer electrets, biodegradable materials, degradable packaging film
    One of the innovative ways to solve the problem of disposing of packaging film is the development of biodegradable materials that are destroyed during composting under the influence of natural factors and soil microorganisms. This article describes the results of a study on biodegradation rate of biodegradable packaging films based on polyethylene by giving them electret properties. Polymer electrets are a special class of materials that can polarize and accumulate electric charge, creating a long-term weak electrical field in the environment. Technology of manufacturing biodegradable packaging films based on polyethylene, including physical (electrical) and physicochemical (filling with polysaccharides) modification, allows creating packaging film with enhanced strain-strength characteristics and more rapid biodegradation.

    Yu.M. Baruzdina
    Galloping through Europe or how things are arranged there

    Recycling in Europe, scrap metal processing, processing of old cars, tire processing, glass processing
    This paper is written by a «MSW» magazine correspondent on a study tour of recycling companies in several European countries. The paper describes scrap metal processing, including end-of-life cars in Belgium and Austria and technologies used. It also talks about a visit to a plant for organic waste processing in Germany, companies that process tires and glass, technologies and equipment used, separation, briquetting, sorting, etc. It is about «how it all works».

    V.N. Averianov, A.S. Zherikhin
    A loam screen for SMW landfills

    SMW landfill, impervious screen
    The paper provides a feasibility assessment of the use of cover loams with plasticity over 10 in the creation of an impervious screen at a demonstration landfill «Kargashino». The requirements to compaction of the screen soil under natural moisture conditions and the value of hydraulic conductivity have been determined. Permeability of the screen was consistent with the requirements of the «Instructions for the Design, Operation, and Reclamation of Solid Waste Landfills».

    Separate collection of waste: the experience of Saransk

    Establishment of the effective waste management system is a task pursued by the many municipalities of the Russian Federation. Many cities are attempting to introduce separate collection, but so far without success. In the urban district of Saransk, the capital of the Republic of Mordovia, a system of separate waste collection at all container sites of the city has been implemented in the beginning of 2012. The infrastructure for separate collection has been created and a public outreach program has been launched through mass media and educational institutions. The paper describes the first results of the project on separate collection of waste in the urban district of Saransk.

    O.L. Deyashkina
    Saga ... of the trap or what was the fight for?

    This is an article written by the «MSW»magazine editor-in-chief about a trial that involved the magazine in connection with the lawsuit of «Intercastecs» company that promotes a US mercury lamps processing utilizer on the Russian market. The author emphasizes that when using environmental foreign-made equipment on the Russian market, buyers should make sure that the equipment has a valid state environmental certification proving its safety.

    Alina Kolyovska
    The center for resource conservation: a people's project in action

    Public education in waste management, environmental education and outreach, environmental education site, the Center for Resource Conservation
    The paper talks about activities of an environmental-educational site «Center for Resource Conservation» that has been launched in 2012 in Moscow by NGO «PRO Waste». The site is located in the well-known, among Muscovites, place – FLACON Design Factory. The paper is about how and by whom the Center was created and about interesting and important activities that it implements.

    V.N. Mymryn
    Film – thin, packaging - functional, processing - efficient

    Packaging film, food wrap from PET bottles
    The paper is about food wraps based on the information by an exhibition company MesseDuesseldorf GmbH. Advances in the design of equipment and technology for processing recycled PET allowed achieving a high degree of scraping that allows the direct use of recycled PET in food packaging. Thus, technology for continuous extrusive production of sheet films directly from used PET bottles has been developed; such films are fully suitable for food packaging, including frozen products and milk.
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    Реализуем проект "Строительство теплоэлектростанции на RDF топливе в Калининградской области"

    переработка сшитого полиэтилена

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    Компания ООО «Концепция связи XXI век» гарантирует, что правообладатель, дистрибьютор или реселлер программного обеспечения осуществляет защиту персональных данных на условиях, аналогичных изложенным в Политике конфиденциальности персональных данных.

    Настоящее согласие распространяется на следующие персональные данные: фамилия, имя и отчество, место работы, должность, адрес электронной почты, почтовый адрес доставки заказов, контактный телефон, платёжные реквизиты. Срок действия согласия является неограниченным. Вы можете в любой момент отозвать настоящее согласие, направив письменное уведомление на адрес: podpiska@vedomost.ru с пометкой «Отзыв согласия на обработку персональных данных».

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