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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№3 2013)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
  • Законодательные требования к обращению с ОПВК
  • Сравнение вариантов учета вторичных ресурсов
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей и многое другое!


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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 3, March 2013)

    O.V. Ulanova
    Electronics and electrical appliances: underlying premise for processing

    Processing of electronic waste, Basel Convention, resource potential of e-waste, rare earth metals in computers
    The paper investigates the global problem of recycling of electronic and electrical waste (WEEE) and its legislative, environmental, and resource issues. It also discusses the provisions of the Basel Convention on transboundary movement of hazardous waste concerning export-import of e-waste and the European legislation on prevention of WEEE contamination of the environment based on the principle «the polluter pays». Rare earth metals and WEEE as their source are also discussed.

    T.E. Yakutova
    Processing of kinescope tubes: issues and trends

    Recycling of electron-ray tubes, kinescope tubes processing
    End-of-service-time kinescopes are a source of a large number of valuable materials, whose usage can help saving natural resources and assist in decreasing the impact of hazardous production on the environment. The paper discusses waste associated with electron-ray tubes (ERT) in Russia and the problems of their processing.

    Who is the first to turn green? The management of «Greenpeace» on the environmentally clean electronics
    Manufacturers of electronics and electrical goods, programs on used electronics return, «green» electronics, electronic waste management
    The article provides«Greenpeace» data on research of how the world's producers of electronic and electrical products comply with the idea of sustainable development and preservation of the environment. The «Greenpeace» administration ranks the main world brands of «green» electronics using ratings obtained in the course of recent research conducted in 2012. The paper provides parameters of activities of companies on their waste management.

    A. Onischuk
    Legislation on disposal of electronic scrap: proposals for development

    Electronic waste, scrap, RATEK, extended producer responsibility
    In the light of the preparation of changes to the Law № 89 «On Production and Consumption Waste», the paper gives the position of the Association of Trading Companies and Manufacturers of Consumer Electronic and Computer Equipment (RATEK) on the incorporation of the principle of «extended producer responsibility» in processing of their products and mechanisms of its implementations. The paper discusses international practice of the implementation of this principle. RATEK emphasizes factors to be considered in the preparation of laws and regulations and in the formation of the new national environmental policy.

    V.A. Tarakanov
    The overall strategy of secondary raw materials industrial development

    Development of waste processing sector, policy of ensuring environmental security, PATTERN methodology, «goal tree»
    Environmental security in Russia should be provided considering a combination of environmental and economic interests. The article discusses the concept of the «Overall Strategy»– the art of management and coordination of programs that enhance the environment. The Overall Strategy should be linked with the federal program consisting of a variety of standardized sub-programs in the regions of Russia. The paper presents an approach to the implementation of the Overall Strategy using PATTERN methodology and principles used in this methodology. The principles of the Overall Strategy should be used in the development of programs of waste processing into recycled resources.

    O.N. Pylaeva
    Six hundred million batteries a year: unrecorded waste

    Batteries, accumulator, portable power sources, collection and processing of batteries
    This article analyzes the situation with the collection and processing of portable power sources in Russia. The author addresses the European practice and emphasizes a valuable experience that should be used in the development of the national system of collection and processing of batteries in the Russian Federation. The paper gives a brief overview of modern technologies in battery processing. The paper describes practice of Finnish companies that apply unique processing technologies and the first Russian initiatives on batteries collection.

    Ya.I. Filimonov
    Regulation of electronic scrap recycling: practice of France

    Electronic waste management in France, eco consortium, regulations in waste management
    Using the example of France, the paper discusses the impact of the 2012/19/EU «Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive». The paper explores the role of eco consortiums in ensuring the chain of waste management and processing in its entirety. The paper describes practice of presenting waste management and processing technologies on a national site created with the efforts of eco consortiums; the site is devoted entirely to producers (importers, distributers, and experts) of electrical and electronic domestic and office equipment.

    A.G. Dudnikova
    Environmental legislation: major changes

    Environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, legislative documents on waste management in 2012
    The paper presents analytical comments to legislative acts in waste management adopted in January–December, 2012. It discusses letters of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation and of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Use of Natural Resources, decrees of the Russian Technical Supervisory Authority, the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, and enactments of the Government and Federal laws № 93-ФЗ, 96-ФЗ, 128-ФЗ, 291-ФЗ, etc.

    A.V. Ermolin
    Russian market of electronic scrap: state and prospects

    Radioelectronic scrap processing, affinage in electronic circuit boards processing
    The paper describes electronic scrap processing, its phases, and characteristic features, which relate to the content of toxic substances and valuable components that could be extracted. Special attention is given to circuit board processing. All waste containing precious metals have to undergo affinage according the existing regulations. The paper gives a list of affinage plants.
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    Настоящим, в соответствии с Федеральным законом № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» от 27.07.2006 года, Вы подтверждаете свое согласие на обработку компанией ООО «Концепция связи XXI век» персональных данных: сбор, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), использование, передачу в целях продвижения товаров, работ, услуг на рынке путем осуществления прямых контактов с помощью средств связи, продажи продуктов и услуг на Ваше имя, блокирование, обезличивание, уничтожение.

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    В случае необходимости предоставления Ваших персональных данных правообладателю, дистрибьютору или реселлеру программного обеспечения в целях регистрации программного обеспечения на Ваше имя, Вы даёте согласие на передачу своих персональных данных.

    Компания ООО «Концепция связи XXI век» гарантирует, что правообладатель, дистрибьютор или реселлер программного обеспечения осуществляет защиту персональных данных на условиях, аналогичных изложенным в Политике конфиденциальности персональных данных.

    Настоящее согласие распространяется на следующие персональные данные: фамилия, имя и отчество, место работы, должность, адрес электронной почты, почтовый адрес доставки заказов, контактный телефон, платёжные реквизиты. Срок действия согласия является неограниченным. Вы можете в любой момент отозвать настоящее согласие, направив письменное уведомление на адрес: podpiska@vedomost.ru с пометкой «Отзыв согласия на обработку персональных данных».

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