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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№1 2013)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 1, January 2013)

    N.R. Sokolova
    Waste: governmental management. Timeline of events
    President of the RF, municipal government, decrees by the RF government, concept of international policy, government session, budget message, nongovernmental environmental organizations, environmental quality standards
    The paper reviews activities in the area of waste management conducted at the federal level from 2008 to 2012 that deal with aspects of municipal SMW management; it also reviews comments to the existing legal documents that govern issues of environmental safety in waste management. At the end of the paper, there is a summary table on the timeline of the main governmental activities and the list of instructions, decrees, and orders of the last "environmental quinquennium."

    V.A. Anferov, K.N. Yuzhakov, G.I. Shaidurova
    Automobile tires processing: ozone treatment method
    Processing of worn-out tires, ozone treatment, chemistry of rubber ozone treatment process
    The paper reviews chemistry of the processes of rubber transformation under ozone treatment. Ozone treatment is suggested as an advanced way of worn-out tires processing that allows obtaining rubber grinds free from metal or synthetic tire cord. It is not necessary to cut tires in pieces and waste large energy resources. Ozone treatment parameters in respect to processing of specific tires should be investigated.

    K. Jackson, E. Watkins
    "Waste" policy of the EU: instruments of control
    EU legislation on waste, waste management in the EU countries
    The EU legislation in the area of waste management aimed at a gradual transition from the landfill disposal to the use of waste as a secondary resource should be enforced in the development of the national legislations. The paper provides a detailed review of the problem of violation of the EU requirements in the area of waste management in some countries of Europe. Numeric data on the volume of SMW formation in the European countries and on the share of processed and disposed at landfills waste are given. Today, some shortcomings of the implementation of the EU legislation on waste management have been identified, which suggests that, in some instances, the countries-members of the EU had committed to requirements that cannot be met in a given time-frame. The history of the issue and the current situation are discussed.

    N.I. Burtseva
    Municipal dumps in Russia: problem solution
    Dumps, fight with illegal dumping of SMW, top-priority goals in waste management
    Starting in August 2011, RosPrirodNadzor has been conducting activities to identify and prevent illegal SMW dumps in the territories of the subjects of the RF. This effort has identified problems in the sector of waste management: the absence of a governmental strategy, fuzziness of terms and definitions, insufficient financing, etc. Recommendations developed during this work explain the term of illegal sites of waste disposal and provide their classification. Based on the analysis of the current situation, the paper formulates the main directions of activities that should increase efficiency of the municipal policy on waste management. The top-priority goals are presented in a detailed table.

    Ye.G. Dorogova, M.N. Korobkin
    Modeling of decision making in management
    SMW management, decision-making support system, DMSS, modeling of decision making in management
    The authors suggest the use of modeling in assessment of decisions on waste management. This would allow an efficient allocation of the municipal budget, forecast of possible problems and risks and their timely solution, decrease of the environmental impact, development of recommendations on mid- and long-term planning, etc. As an example of the functioning of a decision-making support system (DMSS), a model of a two-stage SMW removal is reviewed; the system has three levels: formation, transportation, and sorting of SMW. The authors created a simulation model for the SMW accumulation and removal process. The model represents a prototype of a fully functional DMSS model. In order to test it, a pilot project in the Zelenograd administrative district in Moscow has been suggested. The results obtained during the pilot project are expected to be scaled-up to all administrative districts of the capital.

    All illegal dumps must be closed!
    SMW management in Brazil, “Jardine Gramashu,” prefecture of Rio de Janeiro, waste landfill "Bandeirantes"
    The paper provides an interview with Julian Passadore, Frost & Sullivan's analytical observer and an expert on energy systems, renewable energy sources, and waste utilization, in which she talks about the situation in waste management in Brazil.

    N.A. Kolychev
    Towards a new technological mode
    Efficient use of resources, waste management in St. Petersburg, highly automated waste sorting complex in St. Petersburg, HAWSC, transportation-logistic system "Conon"
    The author of the paper is Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Waste and the Efficient Use of Resources of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg. He talks about new projects implemented in St. Petersburg in the area of the efficient use of recourses and waste management. A highly automated waste sorting complex (HAWSC) that provides for a complex processing in a semi-automated regime, a project that involves the newest transportation-logistic system "Conon" developed by the St Petersburg entrepreneurs, and a joint project on the utilization of waste resource potential promote the solution to the problem of the negative impact of waste on the environment and the goals of resource development and the efficient use of energy resources.

    A producer's responsibility: a warning by foreign experts
    Waste management, expanded responsibility of producers in the USA and Canada
    In the USA, the responsibility of producers for utilization of their products is expanding. The material presented discusses pluses and minuses of the expanded responsibility and provides opinions of experts from different companies who are already participating in the mandatory programs of accepting used products. They warn that the creation of such a system represents a very complex task.

    L.Ya. Shubov
    A request by the President of Russia: what will the answer be?
    Integrated strategy of SMW management, development of waste management concept
    V.V. Putin, the President of the RF, Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev with the task of developing an integrated strategy on SMW management by Feb. 1, 2013. The author analyzes the existing situation, possible options, and probable results of the solution of the task given by the President. Only a well-founded scientific concept of waste management designed by competent experts is able to get things off the ground. The author reminds that State Enterprise "Rostechnologia" has already developed a concept of amendments to the Federal Law "On Waste from Production and Consumption" (№ 89).

    P.V. Matvienko
    The efficient environmental policy
    Waste management in Novokuznetsk, Days of Defense Against Environmental Hazards, school of the city's environmental core group "Green Wave"
    This paper is about the existing system of production and consumption waste management in the city of Novokuznetsk and activities conducted in the city aimed at implementation of a waste management strategy. The goals of the strategy are the minimization of waste formation, maximal involvement of waste in economic cycle, environmentally safe processing methods, minimization of expenditures for the city's sanitation, and education of the population.
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