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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№9 2012)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
  • Законодательные требования к обращению с ОПВК
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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 9, September 2012)

    M.M. Khafisov, P.P. Gribanova
    Landfill “Sosenki”: Integrated Solution for Reclamation Problem

    Landfill “Sosenki,” environmental impact of the SMW site, environmental conditions near the site
    The paper discusses research results of environmental impact of landfill “Sosenki” that was in operation in 1964-1975 and that now became a part of the New Moscow when the city’s boundaries were extended. A unique actual material on the conditions of all environmental components is given. The material was collected by the authors through monitoring at the site in 1994-2012.

    Market products and their packaging: who wins in the “rope pulling”?

    Packaging, packaging waste, Guidelines “On Packaging and Packaging Waste”
    A negative impact of turning products into waste because of insufficient use of packaging is substantially higher that the impact from the use of a large volume of packaging to protect such products. The loss of financial and natural resources used for production and transportation of damaged market products has been assessed at 3.5 billion euro per year according to the research conducted. The paper shows different aspects of packaging management in accordance with the Guidelines “On Packaging and Packaging Waste.” Packaging functions are discussed together with the data on the share of packaging cost in the total cost of different products. The data on new types of packaging, i.e., active and biodegradable, are provided. The beginning of the paper is in “SMW” N7.

    T.A. Orlova
    Geo-environmental research at old dumps

    Old dumps, geo-environmental research, research program
    The solution to the problem of old dumps may vary depending on the location of a site, environmental conditions of the territories, environmental impact, impact on health and life-way of the population, and prospects for reprocessing. The paper substantiates the necessity of geo-environmental research at old dumps and SMW landfills. The paper discusses the research program developed and implemented by the Institute “CrimGIINTIZ” aimed at monitoring of existing SMW landfills and closed dumps in the territory of several cities of Crimea. It also presents the research results.

    V.M. Astretsov
    Project “Сonoid”

    Dump, sanitary landfill, methods of SMW disposal, SMW, bioreactor for SMW disposal
    The paper describes a project for a bioreactor for disposal and controlled decomposition of SMW in compacted blocks. The project “Conoid” targets aesthetic shortcomings of a landfill that was in operation over a long period of time and that now resembles a dump. The project assumes construction of correctly designed engineering cells for processing of filtrate and for collection and removal of biogas along with loading of bioreactors with waste. A special features of this project is a strict geometric design of the bioreactor in the form of a truncated cone and a method of blocks packing using a hanging cable way. The paper also presents the history of the problem and possible ways of the project implementation.

    O.V. Padalko
    A Landfill: an end of the technological cycle or a beginning of a new life?

    Integrated waste management, waste energy potential
    The continuation of the papers published by the author in 2012; it discusses the issues of evolution and implementation of the concept of integrated waste management, role and content of the “environmental design” – a first stage of the SMW components’ process cycle. The paper suggests different options of finalizing the processing cycle of SMW and of analogous waste. The paper reviews a new, for Russia, approach to the waste energy potential stored in the mass of waste at landfills, which uses modern methods of thermal processing of waste, i.e., pyrolysis, plasma-gasification, and other options of high-temperature gasification of waste.

    T.I. Shevchenko, N.V. Gumennyi, E.I. Vishnitskaya
    Decentralized sorting of waste: applied aspects of implementation

    Secondary resources, decentralized sorting, individual collection
    The authors discuss the organizational aspects of the use of a decentralized approach to the implementation of a system of extraction of several resource-valuable fractions of solid municipal waste using the city of Sumy as an example. The paper suggests an option of the use of individual containers for each object of service

    Discussion of the law-in draft on waste; suggestions

    The law on production and consumption waste, discussion of the law-in-draft on waste, amendment to the law on waste
    The paper presents materials on the discussion of the laws on waste. The law-in-draft № 584399-5 “On the Amendments to the Federal Law “On Waste from Production and Consumption” and to Other Legislative Documents of the Russian Federation Related to the Economic stimulus of the Activities in the Area of Waste Management” has been presented to the State Duma by the Ministry of Natural Resources and has been adopted today in the first reading. In June 2012 in the State Duma, a discussion took place in preparation for the second reading; during the discussion, the amendments suggested by the Ministry of Natural Resources were voiced out; the amendments had been unanimously adopted by the experts. Almost simultaneously with the law № 584399-5, the law-in-draft “On Management of Waste from Production and Consumption and Secondary Resources” was developed. Numerous requests by the readers to the editorial board suggest that both laws-in-draft require fine-tuning. The paper provides opinions and suggestions by the experts on improvement of the proposed laws.

    Creation of MIT – the way out of the “garbage” crisis

    Waste management in a megacity, integrated approach to waste management
    An interview with A.M. Gonopolsky, Head of the Department of Engineering and Technology of Waste Management, Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering, where he shares his thoughts on the modern situation in the area of waste disposal in megacities and where he talks about the project on creation of the system of interregional energy-independent industries for collection and processing of municipal waste. In order to achieve this goal, creation of the municipal-industrial territories (MIT) in every federal district has been proposed. These MIT will provide a full-scale processing and disposal of waste. It is expected that the project will received a national status.
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