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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№8 2012)
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  • Инициативы регоператоров
  • Что изменилось для ТСЖ и ЖСК в ходе «мусорной реформы»
  • Новые требования к применению вторичных ресурсов и сырья из шин и РТИ
  • Особенности вывода из эксплуатации объектов размещения отходов



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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 8, August 2012)

    Harald Kab
    Biopolymers, biodegradable materials, polymers based on plant raw materials
    This article is about the development of the industry biopolymers (biodegradable and compostable materials based on plant raw materials), gaining more space to create eco-friendly packaging, packages and even vehicles. Perspectives for further development in this area as according to the manufacturers, as well the results of numerous analyzes are evaluated as very good. It is expected that the market for biopolymers in Europe in 2020 will exceed 2 million t. The author gives interesting information about current developments and the implementation of major companies that produce both food and consumer products.

    World Bank: global study of "garbage" situation
    MSW formation prognosis, volumes of waste generation in the world
    Readers will find a review made by the World Bank in March 2012 on solid waste formation, its collection, composition and placement in various countries and regions in order to implement a global assessment of the volume of waste and to create a conceptual ecological-economic approaches to the disposal of solid waste. Article presents a forecast of solid waste generation and its composition in 2025, which will enable the authorities of different levels that make decisions in the preparation of plans and budgets in the coming years to have at their disposal the necessary information in the field of waste management and a number of specific recommendations.

    Towards a green and clean China
    Waste management in China, factory for processing paper, market for recycled plastic
    Interview with Zhao Hualin, the Director General of the Department of Environment Pollution Prevention and Control of China in which he raised questions of recyclable materials imports, issues of regulation in the paper industry and spoke about the new Chinese program of processing household electrical and electronic devices.

    Commercial products and its packaging: who wins?
    Packaging, packaging waste, Directive "On the packaging and packaging waste "
    The negative impact of the transformation the product into waste due to lack of packaging is much higher than the impact caused by the use of large amounts of packaging to protect the product. Studies have shown that the loss of financial and natural resources spent on the production and transportation of the damaged commodity products, are estimated at 3.5 billion euros per year. The article describes various aspects of handling packaging in accordance with Directive "On the packaging and packaging waste." The functions of packaging are considered, as well as provides data on the proportion of the cost of packing in the price of goods of some kinds. Provides data on new types of packaging: active and biodegradable.
    Top of paper - in the «TBO» № 7.

    Modern garbage trucks: one goal, different approaches
    Garbage collection, waste transportation, MSW management, garbage trucks manufacturers, models of garbage trucks
    A complex multi-step process of solid waste cleaning is much easier and cheaper if used wisely selected special equipment. Its choice should be determined by not only the cost, but also take into account the composition of the transported waste, the type of container used and the availability of space for their treatment, access roads, as well as the proposed scope of work. This article provides an overview of modern garbage trucks of Russian and foreign manufacturers (FARID, «WP-Techno», COS.ECO., "Conimvest-AKMT", "TC KOMMASH"). The data on vehicles with side, rear and front loading, with washing devices, with the press-compactors for the long transportation, etc., their functional properties and applications.

    O.V. Ulanova, M.A. Kachina
    "The target-2020: a strategy for waste management in Germany
    Waste management in Germany, MSW management in Germany, the hierarchy of methods of waste treatment in Germany, strategy "Purpose-2020"
    An article about how Germany has reached the highest level of efficiency in dealing with household waste, and what it sets targets for the nearest future. In 2005, a strategy was developed for sustainable solid waste management in Germany, "The target-2020", as a guide for experts in the field of waste management. The basis of the strategy, founded on scientific studies - the concept of "sustainable development", based on a combination of existing needs, taking into account the interests of future generations. The article examines the basic principles and aspects of the strategy "The target - 2020", a methodological approach provided. The possibility of achieving goals is assessed using eight model scenarios. These scenarios are described using different approaches and methods of management and recycling, their economic evaluation is given.
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    Компания ООО «Концепция связи XXI век» гарантирует, что правообладатель, дистрибьютор или реселлер программного обеспечения осуществляет защиту персональных данных на условиях, аналогичных изложенным в Политике конфиденциальности персональных данных.

    Настоящее согласие распространяется на следующие персональные данные: фамилия, имя и отчество, место работы, должность, адрес электронной почты, почтовый адрес доставки заказов, контактный телефон, платёжные реквизиты. Срок действия согласия является неограниченным. Вы можете в любой момент отозвать настоящее согласие, направив письменное уведомление на адрес: podpiska@vedomost.ru с пометкой «Отзыв согласия на обработку персональных данных».

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