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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№6 2012)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
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  • Выставка «Wasma 2025»

    Термохимическая переработка ТБО
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    У дачников резко выросла плата за вывоз мусора. Почему и как ее снизить
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    Последнее сообщение: 28.02.2025 07:49

    Геосинтетические материалы «Геофлакс»: экологичный щит для полигонов ТБО
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    Переработка отработанных шин
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    Термохимическая переработка ТБО
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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 6, June 2012)

    V.K. Smirnov, E.L. Talisman, Z.Yu. Poniatkova, K.N. Irisova
    Getting marketable products from used tires
    Pyrolysis of waste tires, pyrolysis products, hydrocarbons, hydroforming, catalysts, hydrocarbon solvents, fuels for stationary power plants
    In the previous issue raised by the need for a national system management of depreciated tires, the choice of strategies and tactics to resolve this important problem. This article describes the specific technology, through which the liquid products of pyrolysis of tires are converted into valuable products for power plants. The experimental data obtained in the study of the liquid product of pyrolysis of waste tires in laboratory and pilot plant "Company KATAHIM." The technical solutions ensure receipt of hydrocarbon solvents and fuels, power plants, which currently can not find a qualified use and harm the environment.

    I.V. Goryachev, A.N. Bobrakov, V.S. Dudnikova, M.V. Strelkina
    Shaft furnaces for thermal treatment of MSW
    High-temperature gasification of waste, waste pyrolysis, shaft furnace, high temperature reactor
    Optimization of plasma-chemical reactor construction is one of the most important engineering challenges in the further development and implementation of high-temperature plasma technology waste processing. Currently in practice of pyrolysis and gasification of solid waste with the use of plasmatrons as heating sources reactors with vertical shaft furnaces of counterflow and direct-flow types are used. The article deals with the totality of the tasks of creating such reactors, and also analyzes their advantages and disadvantages. The reactor designs developed in SUE SIA "Radon", Institute of Electrophysics and Electric Power RAS Institute of Thermal Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS are considered. Design schemes are presented.

    Antti Lehmuskoski
    Nordic Eco-label
    Ecological products, Scandinavian ecolabel
    The article talks about the Nordic Environmental label, acting in five Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland). Eco-mark is assigned to products and services produced by technology, friendly to the environment and it helps customers to choose exactly such products and services. The principles are given through which it is assigned and what it makes for business.

    I. J. Filimonov
    Prospects for the development of recycling and incineration in the European countries
    Waste management in European countries, the burning of solid waste in the EU, energy from waste
    This paper presents a full-scale analysis of the situation with the management of waste in Europe.It provides statistics on the volume of solid waste formation and recycling in European countries during the last two decades, as well as indicators of the processing methods (incineration, recycling, composting) on 20 European countries and data on the volumes of solid waste incinerated with energy recovery and without it. It is shown that in general the volumes of recycling outweigh combustion, including energy recovery. On the ongoing legislative efforts towards "zero waste" and the strategic program of action for achieving in EU by 2020 the level of recycling 50% of municipal waste.

    G.M. Zolotarev
    How can we reorganize the field of waste?
    Management of solid waste, reforming the system of the treatment of solid waste
    The paper examines the main shortcomings of the existing organization of solid waste management in Moscow and Moscow region, and through analyzing the causes that lead to these shortcomings, the action program is offered to resolve existing problems. Proposals to reform the system of waste management in Moscow and Moscow region prepared by the creative team of Moscow regional branch of the International Academy of Ecology and life safety. The creative team includes more than 20 organizations.

    Y.A. Rakhmanov
    Reverse Osmosis Technology: solution of the problem of landfill leachate
    Landfill filtrate, methods of landfill filtrate neutralization, reverse osmosis plant
    Environmental regulations constantly becomes tougher, and this leads to the fact that traditional methods of wastewater treatment stop responding to sanitary norms. The problem can be solved by a combination of traditional methods of treatment with reverse osmosis technology. The latter corresponds not only to existing rules, but also to any future standards and requirements, as the output is almost pure water. Parameters of treatment with the help of reverse osmosis are given. The conditions of sewage preparation for efficient and reliable operation of the facilities are considered. It is given a typical composition of landfillleachate, as well as the composition and concentration of acids contained in it.

    Heron Klise, Soren Dalager
    Denmark: the centenarians overcome
    Waste incineration in Denmark, combined heat and power, the best available technology for solid waste incineration, energy production from solid waste in Denmark
    The article deals with the centenary history of the development of waste management in Denmark. In 1903 there was built the first waste incineration plant, which also became the first company in Denmark for combined heat and power. The article talks about how the establishment of the industry was going on, highlights the main stages. Modern plants are equipped with high-tech equipment that meet the criteria of Best Available Technology (BAT). The BAT applied at the leading enterprises in Denmark are considered. The characteristics of the four Danish incinerators that meet the BAT criteria, that produce combined heat and power. According to the authors, at the international level Denmark will continue to serve as an example in the field of waste incineration with the simultaneous production of heat and electricity, and will also play leading role as an exporter of knowledge and technology in this field on the world stage.

    N. J. Temelis, R. Brandes
    Will the waste eliminate the deficit of natural resources?
    Renewable energy, energy from waste in the U.S.
    The authors explore the question: can municipal solid waste be considered as a renewable energy source in addition to such sources as wind, water, solar heat, etc. In the example of the U.S., where most states adopted mandatory plans to increase the proportion of energy produced from renewable sources by certain dates, the authors show that without the recognition of municipal waste is a renewable energy source to meet these plans impossible.

    Forssa - bright green region
    Technological park Envigrowpark, glass recycling system, the working cycle of a glass bottle, plant for the extraction of biogas Envor Biotech, production of foamed glass, Foamit
    In mid-April 2012 editors of the magazine "TBO" received an invitation to visit the Finnish Forssa region, famous for its "green" companies in Finland/ It occupies leading positions in the environmental field. Trip was initiated by the St. Petersburg center of business contacts and regional center for business development Forca. The report offered to your attention introduces the advanced technology of waste processing and disposal in Finland.

    A.A. Shurygina, D.V. Pol'shin, Yu.S. Savina, S.S. Mylnikova
    Text of the article published on www.solidwaste.ru
    Beautiful waste science and a bit of Ecology
    Recycled plastic packaging, recycling with the help of knitting, the introduction of charges for a package, polyethylene with the addition in the form of a salt d2w.
    On the court of readers the project is proposed how to minimize the accumulation of plastic bags on the streets. Its implementation has led to very interesting results.
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    Экомет Групп. Современная контейнерная площадка

    ДИПА - Вывоз мусора
    Оказание услуг по вывозу мусора и ТБО в Москве. Изготовление и продажа контейнеров для вывоза мусора объемом 8, 20, 26 кубометров.

    Algoritm System
    Поставка оборудования для переработки пластиковых отходов: - дробилки для твердых полимерных отходов мощностью 4-22 кВт - дробилки для пленки мощностью 7,5-30 кВт - шредеры одновалковые и двухвалко...

    Грэта 2000, ООО
    Компания оказывает услуги в сфере вывоза мусора, снега, грунта, занимается продажей бункеров и контейнеров, оказывает клининговые услуги.




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