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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№5 2012)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
  • Законодательные требования к обращению с ОПВК
  • Сравнение вариантов учета вторичных ресурсов
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    У дачников резко выросла плата за вывоз мусора. Почему и как ее снизить
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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 5, May 2012)

    S.G.Kudyan, A.I.Chernorubashkin
    Waste management: the “one bucket” principal
    MSW streams separation, interests of the popularity; regional circuit of MSW management; trade features of secondary materials.
    The article is connected with the waste management experience in Belarus. Solid household waste in its basis is divided into unsorted waste and secondary material resources. Stocking of the secondary recourses is performed according to the principle of “one bucket”. Separate transportation of the unsorted and secondary materials is performed at first by dustcarts, additional sorting of the secondary material resources is produced at the sorting stations and each faction is brought to merchantability at processing plants.

    Yu.V. Trofimenko, Zh.V. Perlina, V.A. Maryev, Yu.A. Shuvalov
    Management of waste tires: national system creation
    Waste tiers, technological scheme of used tires management, tire manufacturers, total tire recycling
    To ensure the total collection of used tires and their environmentally sound recycling while minimizing waste generation through regulatory and legal framework for the effective interaction of the subjects of the system under state control, it is necessary to develop a national system for recycling end-of-life tires. The authors pay particular attention to the complex of works on the development of a system for collecting and recycling used tires, detailed analysis of systemic problems in this area, offering an innovative way to solve them.

    A.S. Dunajev
    Yaroslavl region: the problems of waste and their solutions
    Territorial balance scheme, districts and urban districts of Yaroslavl region, the territories of federal subjects, four regional target programs "Waste"
    The article is devoted to the measures being developed and implemented in Yaroslavl region, which should not only significantly reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment and improve the quality of life of the region's population, but also help to change waste management from the costly, environmentally hazardous and unattractive for investment business into the highly profitable, environmentally safe and attractive to business activity. Emphasis is placed on the organization of effective collection and transportation of waste, to draw them into the economy, reducing the burden on existing landfills and ensuring their use in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

    F.F. Gaev, S.I. Shkanov
    Optimizing management of mercury waste in the municipalities
    Problems of MSW management optimization, main areas of waste use
    The article is devoted to problems of optimizing management of solid waste in the municipalities. An attempt is made to form the basic directions of development of municipal waste management, the approximate optimal scheme of solid waste management in municipalities is proposed.

    A.A. Distanov, V.V. Voskobojnikov
    The complex for electronic scrap processing
    Electronic scrap, electronic scrap separation, point to point wiring, magnetic separation, multicomponent scrap, сascade-gravitional classifier.
    The experience is considered of complex processing of electronic scrap by technology developed in the South Ural Specialized Center of recycling. The technological solution that does not require prior manual disassembly of electronic units and hull elements is described. In the mounted installation are used: two-time kinetic crushing, magnetic separation in the process of transporting fragmented mass on production line, screening for the separation of the multicomponent mass by size scrap. As a separator for the metal concentrate selection the pneumatic multicommodity cascade-gravity classifier is used . The tests revealed the shortcomings of the complex.

    D.M. Yeroshina, V.V. Khodin, D.L. Demidov
    Factors of ecological risks at landfills in Belarus
    MSW landfill, groundwater, soils, atmospheric air, pollution, antifiltration screen, geological environment
    Quantitative assessment of environmental risk factors from the landfills on environment based on the account of direct and indirect criteria defining anthropogenic stress on groundwater and surface water, soil and air. The magnitude of the pollution is determined mainly by engineering-geological conditions of the landfill and by the presence or absence of antifiltration screen (indirect criteria). The article describes the methodological approach to quantification of the pollution of environment components (groundwater, soil, air) in the impact area of MSW landfills. The technique of assessing environmental hazards from landfills that are not being monitored environmental components or that are planned for construction.

    O.P. Druzhakina, T.G. Grigirjeva
    Udmurtia: sectional principle of waste disposal
    Placement of landfills in Udmurtia, cluster principle, optimization of solid waste management in Udmurtia
    To address the issues of minimizing the negative impact on the environment of places of solid waste storage and disposal a program on the construction of five new sites and arrangement of four existing landfills based on sectional territorial division has developed in the Udmurt Republic. The program provides the percentage increase in recycled waste taking into account a regional perspective and demand in specialized areas for waste disposal in the republic. The program aims to optimize all stages of waste management - from transporting them to the secondary application, to remediation of illegal dumping sites with the inclusion of land to economic use.

    A. Massaruto
    Italian approach to solid waste
    Waste management in Italy
    Italy has developed tradition of processing many types of waste, including metals and polymers. In the article the legal and institutional prerequisites are considered for a modern system of dealing with solid waste, and waste management situation that exists at present.

    G.V. Iljinykh, N.N. Sljusar, V.N. Korotaev, A.A. Zubajdulin
    HMAO-Yugra: regional system of complex waste management
    Municipal solid waste, secondary raw materials, system of waste management, concept of waste management, program of waste management
    For the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of Yugra it has been designed and legislatively fixed a number of fundamental documents that define the direction of development of waste management system in the autonomous district for the near future (until 2020). Specialists of JSC "SibNIPIRP” (Nizhnevartovsk) and the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm) participated in the development. When performing the work, special attention was paid to the county regional features that have made certain adjustments to the practical implementation of the well-known principles.
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    Настоящим, в соответствии с Федеральным законом № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» от 27.07.2006 года, Вы подтверждаете свое согласие на обработку компанией ООО «Концепция связи XXI век» персональных данных: сбор, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), использование, передачу в целях продвижения товаров, работ, услуг на рынке путем осуществления прямых контактов с помощью средств связи, продажи продуктов и услуг на Ваше имя, блокирование, обезличивание, уничтожение.

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