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 Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 11,November 2012)
| Ye.E. Pavlovskaya
Environmentally-friendly packaging design: in anticipation of a trend
Environmental mentality, closed ecosystems, second life of packaging, case-based packaging modeling
Design of packaging second life considers the reuse of a packed product. Selection of a principle in designing the second life of packaging is an important moment in developing a concept of its new life. Some conceptual aspects that are used in the education of students-designers are reviewed in relation to the environmental design of packaging (or the design of environmentally-friendly packaging).
A.V. Tulokhonova, O.V.Ulanova
Scenarios of waste management optimization
SMW management scenarios in Irkutsk, assessment of waste life cycle, waste production forecast
The waste management system in the city of Irkutsk has been analyzed. The analyses included assessment of waste life cycle and a forecast of the volume of waste produced using the methodology of the Vienna University of Agricultural Sciences. Evaluation of three scenarios developed allowed choosing the best environmentally safe and socially acceptable option. It combines sorting of waste produced by the population followed by the distribution of secondary resources (glass, metal, polymers, paper) among facilities for secondary material resources processing that use mechanical-biological treatment of residual waste.
R.M. Gabitov, A.I. Shamsutdinova
Bashkortostan: creating the environmental culture
Environmental education of the population in Bashkortostan
Environmental education of the population is an important direction of the regional environmental policy in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The paper talks about work on the creation of environmental culture and on information and education of the population in the republic. The readers will learn about the format of this work, new the environmental portal, and the results achieved.
M.V. Begak
Legal and regulatory framework on packaging waste management
Producers’ responsibility, center on packaging utilization management, packaging market participants’ “rules of conduct”
The International Russia – European Union Conference: Partnership for Modernization in Waste Management that took place on the 24-25th of May, in Moscow, became the cause for a retrospective analysis of attempts to create a legal and regulatory framework on packaging waste management in the Russian Federation during the last decade. Two laws-in-drafts (2002 and 2010), model law of 2008 “On Packaging and Packaging Waste,” bill “On Waste from Production and Consumption,” and amendments to the Federal Law “On Waste from Production and Consumption,” being prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and by the State Duma, were reviewed from the stand point of the principle of expanded responsibilities of producers. The advantages and shortcomings of each document are reviewed. Special attention is given to the mechanisms of financing of management of packaging and packaging waste. The experience of foreign countries in the bill-schemes for financing of packaging waste processing is reviewed.
Estonia: packaging waste management
Riigikogu, excise duties on packaging sales, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Estonia
The paper is about the implementation of collection and processing of packaging and packaging waste in Estonia, conformity of the Estonian legislation with the requirements of the EU Directive 94/62/EU “On Packaging and Packaging Waste,” structure and functions of governmental institutions responsible for environmental policy, and activities of nature-protection agencies.
A.L. Voronich, S.A. Kurta
The new life of old wallpaper
Polymeric wallpaper waste, wallpaper processing, dry separation, separation of loose cellulose and polymeric fibers, waste processing, wallpaper production, cellulose fibers, construction materials, secondary utilization
The authors suggest technology for the utilization of cellulose containing and paper waste and scrap paper, primarily, of wallpaper with polymeric coat using separation of the polymeric coat and the paper base and secondary utilization of cellulose fibers and polymeric waste. The utilization process includes, at the first stage, paper with polymeric coat waste grinding on a chop-disk disintegrator and, at the second stage, additional grinding with a hammer breaker that separates the cellulose fiber base, i.e. paper, and the polymeric coat. The third stage involves separation of the two fractions, i.e., the polymeric coat and the cellulose fiber base, in air flow using a specially designed cyclone separator and a cloth filter. Production experiments with loose cellulose obtained from waste were also conducted; the cellulose was used in production of corrugated asbestos-concrete sheets. Its influence on the physical-mechanical properties of this material was shown.
Y.G. Lyubeshkina
Polymeric packaging: the answer to the problem
Polymeric packaging processing, packaging management in the world, experience of the USSR in polymeric waste processing
The paper reviews the situation in the area of polymeric packaging waste processing in the world. In Europe, USA, Canada, and Japan, a competent approach to the solution to this problem has resulted in the fact that up to 70% of all waste from polymeric packaging is subjected to processing. The author talks about how the problem of utilization of polymeric packaging waste was solved in the USSR where, for the first time in 1963, scientists turned their attention to the growing problem of waste and where, in the 1980s, a concept and the scientific foundation of the processes of aging of polymeric packaging during its use were developed. The concept was based on the works of N.N. Semenov, academician and the Nobel Prize winner. The paper describes a search for a new approach to utilization of municipal waste produced in apartments and gives recommendations on the solutions to this problem in the Russian Federation.
T.V. Boravskaya, M.B. Pluschevskyi, M. Eggert
Technical Rules “On Packaging Safety”: after all, we tried our best!
Legislative framework on packaging waste management, Custom Union, Technical Rules “On Packaging Safety”
An important condition for the improvement of economic ties between countries – members of the Custom Union and the European Union is the convergence of their legislative acts. The paper talks about Technical Rules of the Custom Union that came into force on July 1, 2012, “On Packaging Safety” and about the consequences of their enforcement in the countries – members of the Custom Union. The paper reviews conformity of the laws-in-effect in Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan with the new Technical Rules on packaging. The paper demonstrates that in the Republic of Belarus, where advanced legislative regulations in the area of packaging waste have been already enacted (harmonized with the European Union regulations), the new Technical Rules will result in substantial economic and environmental benefits and will promote achieving technical regulation. In Kazakhstan, the situation is worse. In the RF, the absence, in the present, of the single institution of the executive branch responsible for the implementation of the positions of Technical Rules, will not allow, in the nearest future, achieving economic and environmental benefits and will impede further development of the practice of technical regulations. |
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