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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№10 2012)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
  • Законодательные требования к обращению с ОПВК
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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 10, October 2012)

    A.F. Malyshevskyi
    Waste – a secondary resource of energy and materials

    Energy from waste, waste incineration or recycling, waste incineration in developed countries
    The paper compares the value of SMW as a secondary resource and as a source of energy. If the goal of the policy for waste management is preservation of non-renewable resources (fossil hydrocarbon fuel), then a more sustainable solution is not reprocessing, but incineration of SMW and the use of energy obtained. Removal of secondary materials from the flow of SMW decreases its energy potential. If waste is used for economically feasible production of thermal and electrical energy, then material recycling of secondary resources represents a low efficiency option economically and environmentally; it is possible to limit collection of secondary resources to only those that are in demand and whose processing is economically sound. The paper describes of developed countries in the use of waste energy.

    O.M. Kodolov, G.O. Kodolov
    Removal of waste in multistorey buildings

    New generation garbage chute, removal or organic waste, pyrolysis units in buildings
    The paper talks about renovation of garbage chutes as the first step in waste removal. Their effective use is promoted by the use of household grinders. Grinded waste collected through sewer at wastewater treatment facilities and subjected to dewatering and sedimentation can produce thermal and electrical energy after decomposition in pyrolysis units. In this scenario, garbage chutes are used for removal of non-food waste. The information is provided on new generation garbage chutes with metal-ceramic ducts. New garbage chutes with two ducts that use pyrolysis units in basements for thermal processing of food and organic waste are also reviewed.

    N.I. Shalunenko, T.A. Korolyuk, A.C. Lantsev, A.A. Malko
    Ash from waste incinerating plants as a resource for glass production

    Glass-ceramic materials, ash embedding, WIP, utilization
    Similarity of composition of ash from waste incineration plants (WIP) and of chemical industrial glass allows considering ash as a promising component of raw mixtures for the synthesis of glass and glass-ceramic materials for construction. The paper describes experimental research on ash embedding at Plant N2 State Unitary Enterprise “Ecotechprom” followed by the transformation into the glass-ceramic state. The composition of obtained glass is given. The efficient use of the WIP ash in the feed for manufacturing of glass and of glass-ceramic products is promising and will allow lowering consumption of resource materials and addressing the environmental aspect of the WIP ash utilization.

    Market products and their packaging: who wins in the “rope pulling”?

    Packaging, packaging waste, Guidelines “On Packaging and Packaging Waste”
    A negative impact of turning products into waste because of the insufficient use of packaging is substantially higher that the impact from the use of a large volume of packaging to protect such products. The loss of financial and natural resources used for production and transportation of damaged market products has been assessed at 3,5 billion euro per year according to the research conducted. The paper shows different aspects of packaging management in accordance with the Guidelines “On Packaging and Packaging Waste.” Packaging functions are discussed together with the data on the share of packaging cost in the total cost of different products. The data on new types of packaging, i.e., active and biodegradable, are provided. The beginning of the paper is in “SMW” N7-9.

    G.V. Ilyinykh, N.N. Slyusar, A.A. Zybaidullyn, T.N. Sangadzhieva, Yu. Kaatske, B. Tseizele
    Research on composition of waste in Khanty-Mansiisk Autonomous District – Yugra

    Solid municipal waste in Khanty-mansiisk Autonomous District, morphological composition, components of SMW in KhMAD-Yugra
    The paper provides the results of full-scale observations of the SMW morphological composition for the cities of Surgut, Khanty-Mansiisk, Beloyarskyi, and the settlement of Kazyma of the KhMAD-Yugra. The analysis and classification of factors that influence the waste composition have been conducted; assessment and comparison of the obtained research results in respect to the these communities have been done.

    I.G. Orlova
    Disinfection - a guarantee of urban health

    Disinfectants, tetramethylenediaethylenetetraamin-based disinfectant products, waste disinfection
    The paper reviews SMW problems and the ways of their solution in respect to biological contamination of the environment. Disinfectants are used for decontamination of waste collection, transportation, and processing sites. The increase in the use of disinfectants should not be accompanied with the greater release of harmful chemical substances into the environment. The paper gives information on the disinfectants whose continuous use is limited to 3 months due to microbial adaptation as they only depress microbial cells; it also provides information on the products that kill microbes and prevent adaptation.

    M.A. Kachina, O.V. Ulanova
    Assessment of the resource potential of waste. Establishment of a recycling center

    SMW management in Irkutsk, morphological composition of SMW in Irkutsk, resource potential of waste, network for SMR collection
    The paper talks about the establishment, in the Irkutsk area, of a collection network which will allow extraction of secondary material resources that comprise up to 40% of the waste volume. It also presents research results on the morphological composition of the city’s SMW and the estimates of their resource potential. The network should consist of receiving centers in all administrative districts of the city and of one recycling center. In order to implement this plan, the work on information sharing with the public and interested entities is being conducted. A catalog of facilities in the area of SMW management in the Irkutsk area has been published and the interactive city map that shows the locations of the processing facilities has been created.

    O.V. Padalko, R.K. Gorbatova
    Environmental design as an instrument of waste minimization at the origin

    Integrated SMW management, environmental design, product life cycle
    The paper presents methodological problems associated with the development of the integrated SMW management systems. It also discusses the notions of product “life cycle” and “technological cycle” of SMW as of a multi-component product. The paper comprehensively reviews the issue of the assessment of the life cycle as of one of the key notions in waste management. The environmental design and its role in the structure of product life cycle are discussed. The strategy of the use of the environmental design options at different stages of product life cycle is given.

    U.V. Barkova
    Alternative system of utilization: proposal on the creation

    Alternative waste utilization system, urban waste management
    The paper discusses the main aspects of the alternative waste utilization system (AWU) designed to complement the already existing traditional SMW management system. The AWU implements the principle of the secondary processing and promotes involvement of materials in the economic cycle. The author talks about the main aspects of the AWUs and demonstrates solutions for promoting the efficient SMW processing using the AWUs based on economically feasible approaches. It also describes a system for collection of secondary resources and sorting of SMW developed by the author to be used in such a megacity as Moscow.

    A.G. Dudnikova
    Environmental legislation: analytical comments

    The RosPrirodNnadzor Decree, document formats, procedure for activities licensing, licensing control, copies of incorporating documents
    The readers are offered comments on the legislative documents in the area of waste management that were adopted and came into effect at the end of 2011 – the middle of 2012.
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