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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№1 2012)
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Архив номеров | Подписка

  • Применение механизма особых обстоятельств при реализации концессионных соглашений
  • Обращение с медотходами: вопросы медицинских организаций. Часть 2.
  • Оптические сепараторы: от слов к делу



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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 1, January 2012)

    М. В. Dmitrieva
    Do you really need a license or how to optimize a business process?
    Waste in production and consumption, waste management, recycled material, licensed waste management, certification
    The paper deals with the analysis of some issues of licensing of activities in the area of waste management. Negative economic consequences of licensing mechanisms that exist nowadays are discussed. The author writes about the necessity to implement a mechanism of transfer of waste into a category of “product,” which would eliminate some barriers in economic turn-around. For example, it creates a substantial expansion of the potential sale market for a buyer. As a result, the demand grows and the cost of the secondary material resource decreases; this promotes expansion of the area of activity associated with waste utilization.

    F.F. Gaev, S. I. Shkanov
    Model schemes – elements of waste management optimization
    Schematic model of management, life cycle of waste
    The paper discusses the issues of municipal waste management optimization. A general schematic model of municipal waste management and schematic models of control methods and ways of economic incentives have been developed. The authors identified the main phases of the life cycle of waste. Based on these phases, schematic models of the municipal waste components management in construction and demolition, from complex and house-hold equipment, and in automotive sector are suggested.

    L.Ya. Shubov, I.V. Statkevich, V.S. Grechishkin
    Electrical separation – the method of enrichment of the light fraction of municipal waste
    Electrical separation of waste, equipment for electrical separation, separation of polymers and paper in SMW treatment
    In the process of industrial treatment of SMW as a recovered material, such enrichment processes as preparatory operations play a significant role; these processes allows isolating waste fraction whose composition satisfies, to the highest degree possible, requirements of the technological stages that follow. Electrical separation is used to isolate polymer film and paper, wolfram spirals and crushed glass, and metal and plastic. The theoretical foundations are discusses. Coronal drum and belt types separators are discussed. Schemes of a patented, in Germany and the USA, equipment for electrical separation of polymer film and paper are presented.

    V.V Abramov, N.M Chalaya
    Secondary utilization of polymer waste: analysis of existing methods
    Utilization of polymer waste, structure of polymer waste
    The problems of organization and implementation of business sector involving utilization of polymer waste are discussed. Such issues should be addressed by entrepreneurs decision making related to utilization of polymer waste, which determines the cost of the products obtained from the “clean” polymer waste and from secondary, SMW-based, polymers. Data on the structure of polymer waste consumption and on its share in the total volume of waste are given. Some new methods of polymer waste processing are provided; the authors call attention to these methods.

    B.V. Kabelchuk
    Stavropol Kray: enhancement of the system of waste management
    Scheme of waste management, general scheme of populated localities clean up, Stavropol Kray
    Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Stavropol Kray describes the experience in addressingwaste problems in the region. Until 2007, a regular waste disposal covered only less than 20% of the populated localities in the region where 503 landfills and SMW sites were located. Out of this number, 465 (92%) were illegal dumpsites. Today, the regional integral system of waste management has been created. The authors talks about problems that face the region. Based on a five-year long experience, it is possible to conclude that only the implementation of the general clean up scheme of populated localities and the construction of the modern inter-municipal zonal centers will improve the situation.

    V.A. Imaletdinov
    SMW landfills monitoring: creation of the unified system
    SMW disposal sites monitoring, space monitoring
    Control of activities of SMW disposal sites is possible using satellite monitoring that has several important advantages compared with other methods of monitoring and control; it provides a high level of generalization of data for centralized management of all SMW sites in Russia. Equipment installed at a site allows monitoring of gas emissions and temperature and assures a quick response to emergency situations. Reliable information on SMW sites locations and centralized and technically sound ways of sites management that meet modern environmental requirements allow effectively addressing the entire array of the most urgent problems of SMW management in Russia.

    V.V. Prokhorov, N.V. Mikhailovs
    Self-regulatory organizations in the area of waste management
    Waste management, self- regulatory organization in the area of waste management, SRO, SPAR
    Combining environmental safety and resources conservation is becoming the leading issue in management decision making in the area of waste management. Today, when waste management is a field of occupation for small business, the situation in the area of waste management can be addressed through self-regulatory activities of a specialized business-community and through establishment of corporate liability to assure quality of services provided. This is supported by a six-year long experience of functioning of the Saint Petersburg Association on Waste Management of Production and Consumption (Recycling) (SPAR). A scheme of a self-regulatory organization and a procedure of its work is given together with the discussion of tasks that such organization addresses.
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