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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№4 2011)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
  • Законодательные требования к обращению с ОПВК
  • Сравнение вариантов учета вторичных ресурсов
  • Ответы на вопросы читателей и многое другое!


  • Выставка «Wasma 2025»

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    У дачников резко выросла плата за вывоз мусора. Почему и как ее снизить
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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 4, April - 2011)

    M. N. Bernadiner, I. M. Bernadiner
    High temperature processing of waste. Plasma energy sources

    High temperature SMW processing, SMW incineration, plasma generators, pyrolysis
    The paper discusses main methods of high temperature processing and neutralization: incineration and pyrolysis of solid municipal, industrial, and medical waste using plasma energy sources. The usage of water vapor plasma generators with high temperature direct flow gasification of waste and generation of synthetic gas (a mixture of H2O and CO) and liquid melt of mineral products as end products has great potential.

    O. I. Shynskyi, O. A. Tikhonova, A. A. Stryuchenko, V. S. Doroshenko
    Thermal compacting of polystyrene foam waste

    Styrofoam waste, thermal compacting, flow temperature
    The difficulty of styrofoam waste utilization is associated with the properties of polystyrene polymer. In technologies that use such waste as a binding element in production of composite materials, it is necessary to sharply decrease its volume by temperature treatment. The paper describes experiments on studying the process of thermal compaction of styrofoam waste. The influence of temperature and the duration of its impact on changes in volume, mass, and density were assessed. The optimal process parameters that allow obtaining maximal waste compaction at a minimal cost were established.

    A. V. Smagin, V. V. Guseva
    Municipal waste utilizer: can be used anywhere

    A negative environmental impact of SMW landfills can be decreased through the application of new safe and low-cost technology. The utilization of municipal waste by high-temperature pyrolysis with production of thermal energy for household needs as a by-product, is promising considering increase in the energy costs. The developed utilizer-mini-boiler allows lowering environmental impact, need for waste removal, and energy costs. The fuel may be organic municipal waste, as well as specially harvested peat, weed grasses, other fast-growing vegetation, and silt sediments of water treatment plants. Additional benefits include new jobs, which is important for mono-cities and small settlements in the modern economic conditions.

    G. M. Zolotarev
    Utilization of hydrocarbon waste. Pyrolysis plants
    Thermal processing of SMW, pyrolysis of waste, pyrolysis plants
    The paper reviews methods of waste management in Moscow and data on the volume of SMW processed using different technologies (waste incinerating plants, different types of incinerators, pyrolysis). Atmospheric emissions from incineration and pyrolysis plants and advantages and shortcomings of American and Russian pyrolysis plants (GAPS and Utro-1, respectively) are compared. The paper also provides comparison of costs for a European pyrolysis plant in the process of design and for existing waste incineration plants. It suggests a program for restructuring of waste incineration facilities for Moscow and its region’s conditions that considers the use of pyrolysis units at operating waste incineration and waste processing plants and their use in the Moscow region.

    Yu. B. Matveev
    The use of municipal waste for energy

    SMW, solid municipal waste, burning of SMW, composting of SMW, biogas, SMW landfill, waste management system
    The use of SMW for energy is a sustainable and environmentally-friendly solution of the waste problem, which includes a combination of composting of biodegradable waste with biogas formation and production of solid fuel for subsequent burning. The paper suggests that waste management within the post-soviet space is inefficient and requires reforming. Low tariffs on SMW processing and low energy costs impede development of SMW-to-energy technologies. The author believes that incorporation of “green” tariffs for energy obtained from renewable resources and their expansion to all types of biogas and SMW burning should be the first step in attracting investments in the sector. Energy production from waste should be preceded by the closure of all old dumps and implementation of strategies of construction of engineered regional landfills.

    V.M. Paretskyi, A.A. Komkov, P.I. Kamkin, A.Yu. Mamaev, A.S. Kurdeev
    The beneficial use of waste incineration slag

    Waste incineration plants ash, WIP slag, WIP slag as construction material, Vanukov furnace
    With the increased use of waste incineration, the issue of utilization of secondary waste, i.e., SMW slag, becomes more urgent. Slag is toxic material (III class of hazard) and the area of its usage is very limited. Special processing is needed for it to become environmentally safe and usable in construction. One of the most productive and efficient high-temperature technologies is utilization of SMW in melted slag in Vanukov furnaces. The paper presents the results of experiments on high-temperature incineration of SMW samples with production of self-fluxing slag, whose properties were analyzed to determine if it can be used in construction materials. The properties of slag from SMW and non-ferrous metallurgy in relation to their use as binding components were compared.

    Weine Wiqvist
    Sweden: the use of waste for fuel and energy

    Generation of energy from waste, practice in Sweden in waste management
    The use of waste for generation of energy in Sweden has long tradition. Today, nearly 20% of demand for centralized heating is covered by the use of waste as a secondary energy resource. There are 30 operating plants of combined production of thermal and electrical energy. This makes Sweden the world’s leader in construction and operation of plants where waste is converted into energy. In Sweden, production and use of biogas is viewed as a well-developed sector of economy. All dumps and landfills are equipped with systems for collection of generated landfill gas used for energy. Tax instruments have been used to increase attractiveness of combined heating. Subsidies have been allocated for construction of biogas plants and filling stations and for production of cars on gas fuel.
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    ООО "Электрогарант" специализируется на поставке электрооборудования для широкого спектра применения. "Надёжность", "качество" и "цена" - определяющие понятия которым мы придерживаемся. Вся продукция ...

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    Настоящим, в соответствии с Федеральным законом № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных» от 27.07.2006 года, Вы подтверждаете свое согласие на обработку компанией ООО «Концепция связи XXI век» персональных данных: сбор, систематизацию, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), использование, передачу в целях продвижения товаров, работ, услуг на рынке путем осуществления прямых контактов с помощью средств связи, продажи продуктов и услуг на Ваше имя, блокирование, обезличивание, уничтожение.

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