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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№2 2011)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 2, February 2011)

    Ye.V. Vakhrusheva
    The system of waste management in the Novokuznetsk territory

    Waste management in Novokuznetsk, waste movement control and accounting in Novokuznetsk
    The paper is about the implementation of an investment project "SMW Polygon, Novokuznetsk, “Markino” site." In Novokuznetsk, there are approximately 20 facilities of small and medium size business specializing in collection and utilization of SMW (paper, used tires, mercury waste, oil filters, used oils, polymer waste, etc.) A landfill management system was created providing for interaction with surrounding territories; the system makes it economically profitable to apply the newest technologies for waste utilization for minimizing damage to the population and environment. The legal mechanism of this system is "The Rules on Waste Management in the Novokuznetsk Territory," adopted by the decree of the Council of People's Deputies.

    N.N. Burtseva
    Environmental industry in the waste management sector: design at the territorial level

    Design of waste management, environmental industry in waste management, activities minimizing waste formation
    Development and implementation of regional programs in production and consumption waste management is under the authority of the Federation subjects; organization, removal, utilization, and processing of waste are under the authority of local governments. Implementing these responsibilities is difficult because of incompleteness of the methodological framework. A system of development of environmental industry management includes three hierarchical levels of design (Federation, Federation subjects, and local governments) and two types of designs (future and current). The principles of the design of five-year, annual, and other plans on waste management are reviewed; methodology on control of different factors in development of plans for formation, storage, processing, neutralization, and burial of waste is discussed.

    Philippe Fichaux
    Modernization of urban waste management

    International experience in waste management, system of waste management, protection of water resources
    The steps on modernization of SMW management discussed in this paper have been suggested in different reports of programs on international and bi-lateral cooperation between Ukraine and Western countries. The author analyzes the modern situation. Decisions in the area of waste management should not be taken without information on where waste is formed and what is its volume and nature. Also, it is important to know where the waste is located. Therefore, the first political step should include creation of monitoring entities for control over the flows of waste formed. Such entities have been created in France at the regional and local levels. Due to methodological instruments developed for estimation of the waste volume, French data on waste have 2% accuracy. In order to reach, as soon as possible, the level of Western European countries it is necessary to start from the steps presented in this paper.

    A.G. Yershov, V.G.Shubnikov
    Medical and biological waste: problems and methods of solution

    Management of medical waste, principles of medical and biological waste management
    The system of state management of medical and biological waste needs serious improvement. It is necessary to form a unified approach at the All-Russian level, develop the logical legal background, and establish national goals and priorities. Systematization and analysis of the national and international experience gained to-date and development and updating terms and definitions are viewed as the task of the foremost importance whose solution should assist in the formation of the state policy and ideology. A brief review of medical and biological waste management systems in the world is given. The situation in Moscow and the Moscow region is assessed; factors that influence the existing adverse situation are analyzed. The nature of each stage of medical and biological waste management is reviewed; technology of neutralization is discussed; recommendations are provided. The authors suggest ways for solving problems in this sector using their personal practical experience in development of such waste management systems.

    Municipal waste management in Moscow: development aspects

    General Вevelopment plan of Moscow, waste management in Moscow, Вопросы
    The paper reviews issues of waste management of Moscow and the Moscow region. The General Development Plan of Moscow reflects a mutual decision of the governments. Activities on management of production and consumption waste through the year 2025 described in the Plan are presented. Reliability of sanitation and cleaning system can be improved through increase of the share of waste treated by industrial methods and decrease of collected and buried waste. The issue of locating a waste incineration plant within the city boundaries and reducing the sanitary protection zone are discussed; this may be possible with transition to modern technologies of waste sorting and emission scrubbing. Potential of the waste hydro-separation method is discussed.

    Priority - to waste utilization facilities

    Integrated programs, plans of municipal zoning of waste treatment facilities, general cleaning design
    The paper presents an interview with Director of the FSUE "Federal Center on Municipal Improvement and Waste Management" N.N. Zhelyaev who talks about his organizations and its goals and priorities. He describes a systemic approach to development of the waste-processing sector in the subjects of the RF by designing and implementing integrated investment programs on waste and secondary material resources management, whose framework serves the basis for general plans of territories’ sanitation and cleaning. He also talks about challenges and the ways to overcome them and about necessary steps in creation of favorable investment climate in the waste management sector in our country.

    A.G. Gonopolskyi
    Beginning-to-end waste management: interregional system

    Waste management system, integrated approach, interregional energy independent waste management sector
    Creation of a system of interregional energy independent industry for beginning-to-end waste collection, transportation, and processing into commercial products and of a system of large logistic centers, may be a solution to waste issues. The key component of the new ideology is integrated zero-waste high-technology waste processing in low populated territories away from the cities. In order to implement the project and for securing governmental political and administrative support at all levels and at all stages of the project implementation, it is necessary to bring this activity to the interregional level and, thus, give it a status of the national investment project. The conditions necessary for the development of the project implementation plan are reviewed.

    V.A. Imalitdinov
    Improving waste management system

    Concept of waste management program, federal program on waste management, system of collection, sorting, processing, and utilization of resource-valuable fractions
    The paper discusses the existing conditions in the country, including the situation in Moscow. An integrated waste management problem solution program based on modern economical approaches, best available technology, and educational programs for the RF population is suggested. Creation of such entities as management companies, non-for-profit partnerships, environmental protection associations, and subsidiary companies, engaged together in waste management, is the basis for the program implementation.

    A.K. Golubkin, V.G. Maksimovich
    “Waste” issues: selection of directions and efficiency assessment

    Waste management concept, waste systems designs, interested parties – available resources – action sequence
    This is a conceptual paper on approaches to development of a waste management system. The overall assessment of the main directions and parameters of development of a waste management system should and must only be based on the forecast parameters of the Russian economy in its entirety. The authors suggest a system of activities in preparing waste for commodity markets, best suited for the situation in the country. The paper provides waste management sector definitions, refined by the authors (production waste, consumption waste) and analyzes conclusions based on the terminology used in this paper (comments can be found on the site www.solidwaste.ru)

    A.G. Lamtyugnov, D.O. Skobelev, I.I. Yuzefovich, A.I. Yurchenko
    The Project “Minimal Waste Volume”: the Brazilian case

    Regional level SMW, management, practice of waste management in Brazil
    The paper is about the implementation of the “Minimal Waste Volume” project in the state of São Paulo aimed at improvement of SMW management. The readers will learn about the tasks, activities, and results achieved. In relation to the national practice, this project may be considered extremely positive and suitable for implementation.

    N. Goncharenko
    Municipal waste as an art object

    Waste as art material, collage, waste installation, monument to municipal waste of urban civilization
    Often, unsightly slums, deserted streets, abandoned buildings, monotone urban landscapes, and a dull layout of bedroom districts are gaining unexpected aesthetical value in the eyes of artists or an accidental passer-by. For many members of the artistic community in the XXth century, waste has become one of the important expressive means of art often competing with traditional materials of painting and sculpture. The paper is about how waste is becoming an aesthetical object in the hands of artists and designers. It reviews the history of development of this type of art and directions in art that uses urban waste.
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