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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№12 2011)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 12, December 2011)

    Golf courses and athletic fields instead of dumpsites.
    Unauthorized dumpsites, Rosprirodnadzor, accumulated environmental damage, separate waste collection
    The publication presents responses to the question of the internet-audience and representatives of mass media put to V.V. Kirillov, Head of Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resource Use, during a press conference at “RosBusinesConsulting” on "Industrial waste and prospects for profit realization.” The participants of the discussion included A.F. Malyshevsky, Head of the Public Council at Rosprirodnadzor, and D.Z. Bezlepkin, Director of the National Union of Organizations in the Field of Waste Management in Production and Consumption.

    A.V. Lukanin
    Food waste as a source of the soil-forming resource
    Municipal waste, composting, screening of solid municipal waste (SMW), wastewater residue, artificial soil
    In large cities, it is necessary to enhance constantly soils in order to prevent their loss. The paper describes new technologies and equipment for the optimal utilization of the screened solid municipal waste (SMW) organic part developed at the Scientific Production Enterprise “Medbioprom.” The SMW was processed together with woody debris and the wastewater residue from water treatment facilities. The results of the studies on the municipal waste composting parameters are provided. The protocol developed allows one to use different ratios of composting ingredients (fermented wastewater residue, excess of active silt). The hydraulic mass-exchange estimates for the equipment are given. The estimates contain heat and matter balances of composting for the summer and winter periods.

    I.N. Lykov, G.A. Shestakova, L.E. Ptushkina, A.M. Zyakun
    The generation of methane at sites of the solid municipal waste
    Solid municipal waste site, bacterial methanogenesis, methane emission, controlled methanogenesis
    The paper presents the results of studies on the scale of methane formation at a SMW site in Kaluga. Base on the observations from the wells of varying depth for different temporal periods of the landfill operation, it has been established that the biogas formation is the result of the solid phase fermentation with the distinct biogeochemical zoning. Changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of microorganisms at different depths of the landfill have been identified. The maximal generation of methane takes place at 10 m. Below this depth, the process of methane generation decreases. The methane generation at the SMW site in Kaluga is of an industrial scale. Over the lifetime of the site, the total methane emissions was 87 to 102 kg per one ton of waste; the forecasted volume of generated methane is about 8 800 thousands m3 per year.

    A.S. Kravchenko, O.V. Ovsyannikova
    The law is one thing, but the practice is another. The problems of disaccord.
    SMW regulation, shortcomings of SMW regulation
    In practice, waste management facilities are often faced with regulatory problems different in nature and in the applicable law enforcement practice. The paper highlights the main shortcomings of the regulations in the area of waste management, in particular, the imperfection of terms, excessive legal barriers to the licensing procedure in the area of waste management, problems of practical application of the legislation in this area, and, occasionally, some contradictions in the legal-regulatory documents. The shortcomings of the regulations in different areas of waste management are addressed. For example, there is a complete lack of the structure of collection of different types of waste from the population - mixed collection of waste is the common practice. The authors consider that prior to the formation of a new ideology, it is necessary to create not only the regulatory base, by also to place a system in practice of collection of hazardous waste that, in the future, could be treated and recycled without harmful consequences to the environment.

    O.L. Deyashkina
    Promising waste management technology: what, where, when
    New technologies of SMW management, landfill gas generation, pyrogenataion
    This is an overview of new scientific-practical achievements in the area of waste management, domestically and abroad. The reader will learn about equipment for separation and pyrolysis, tested in Voskresensk; about a new waste treatment plant in Samara; about a Japanese incinerator in Bashkiria; about generation of motor fuel from tires; about treatment of plastic bags and of other waste containing carbon; and about an invention to intensify gas generation and decomposition of organic matter at landfills.

    New approaches of waste treatment. Informing the population
    Practice of organization of SMW management, education of population, practice abroad of SMW management
    This article covers a seminar on waste management that took place in September at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation with the participation of the OECD Secretariat. Experts from France, Germany, Canada, and Israel shared their experience in how to manage waste properly.

    M. B. Dmitrieva
    Who owns the waste?
    Production and consumption of waste, the rights of waste ownership, conversion of waste into a property item
    The article covers features of the commercial and municipal waste ownership transfer. A special attention is given to the treatment of waste as property by an entity without the ownership rights to such property. Examples on the situations when owners of waste may find themselves in a rather awkward position, are given. The author discusses a mechanism of conversion of waste into a property item and suggests a way of identifying the size of the property being converted. Ways of removing conflicts are also discussed; the conflicts may result during waste storage at landfills, when legal responsibility resides with an entity that does not have access to its property. The article reviews some other issues of property rights in the area of waste generation in production and consumption.

    France: certification and standardization of waste collection services
    The annual public presentation, Paris agglomeration, services quality seal, “ambassadors of separation”
    The paper provides data on the implementation of the national certification and unified standards for SMW collection services in France. It describes the criteria of the certification, developed based on the best management practice, that allow all the candidates seeking the quality seal, awarded by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Consumption of France to the facilities in the area of waste collection and disposal, to rise the quality of their services.

    S. Elcock, A. Lifting, A. Tsui, T. Yutli, W. Snow
    Who will pay for disposal? On the extended liability of the producers
    Waste processing, expanded responsibilities of producers, cutting-down waste generation
    The paper discusses the issues associated with introduction of the expanded responsibilities of producers at the final stage of the life cycle of the production (e.g., packaging, house-hold appliances, automobile tires, etc.). Examples of different approaches by state authorities, local administration, and industrial facilities to cutting-down waste generation are provided. Mechanisms and economical tools used in many countries for the transfer of the cost of utilization of products with the completed life cycle from the population to the producers, sellers, and consumers are discussed. Examples of the implementation of such mechanisms are given.
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    ООО «РУМБ» занимается: -- заготовительной деятельностью (сбор, заготовка и переработка вторичных ресурсов): макулатура, стеклобой, отходы полимеров, отходы швейного производства, изношенные шины, б...

    Сбор, вывоз, утилизация ТБО и КГМ. Утилизация оргтехники и бытовой электроники. Изготовление контейнеров для раздельного сбора ТБО. Техническая экспертиза работоспособности электроники. Юридическо...

    Утилизация ТБО, огнетушителей, нефтешламов, медицинских отходов всех классов.




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