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ЖУРНАЛ ТБО (№11 2011)
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  • Цифровая трансформация отрасли: результаты трехлетней деятельности ФЭО
  • Оператор по обращению с ОПВК: опыт взаимодействия с ФЭО
  • Законодательные требования к обращению с ОПВК
  • Сравнение вариантов учета вторичных ресурсов
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    Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 11, November 2011)

    A.V. Mikhailov
    Optimization of waste collection in the territory of city agglomeration
    Logistic issues of SMW removal, mathematical programming in urban sanitation, placement of waste sorting stations
    One of the complicated issues in the system of waste removal is a logistic procedure. When several companies are engaged in waste removal, in other words, when competition exists, the situation becomes complicated. Transportation issues arising in the development of an urban sanitation system may be solved using the graph and matrix theory. The paper presents a computer program developed at Altai State Technical University that allows identifying the optimal placement of waste sorting and processing stations as a function of the locations of sources of waste and SMW landfills. It allows defining required capacity of sorting stations and their locations for processing of all produced waste and reduction of the cumulative waste haulage.

    T.I. Shevchenko
    Decentralized sorting: the basis for the implementation and analysis of performance
    Decentralized collection of SMW, sorting of SMW, resource valuable fractions of SMW, SMW management methods
    An efficient system of waste management is necessary to create a cost-effective processing of industrial and municipal waste. Nine scenarios of integrated SMW management have been suggested. The key element in the management system is the method of recovery of resource-valuable fractions, which depends on a method of waste collection. The decentralized sorting of SMW with the participation of the population, which suggests segregated collection of recyclable resources at the source of origin, is a more efficient way of retrieval of resource-valuable fractions compared to the centralized collection. Measures that promote a more complete sorting of resource-valuable components are reviewed. The data obtained by the Suma branch of JSC “Ukrainian Scientific Center for Technical Ecology” on a technically possible level of retrieval of certain resource components from SMW, different in origin, are presented.

    G.V. Iliynykh, N.N. Slusar, V.N. Korotaev, N.V. Sokolova
    Separate collection of waste in Perm. The main results of the experiment
    Solid municipal waste, separate collection, morphological composition, recyclable materials
    From December 2010 to May 2011, an experiment on a separate collection of waste was conducted in Perm on 20 test bin sites that serve over 100 of residential building with 20 thousand people. Under the scope of scientific-research work on implementation of separate collection of waste in Perm, a range of activities was conducted; the activities involved not only technical aspects, but also a wide range of organizational, informational, sociological, and research goals. The paper describes the experiment and its results.

    L.V. Mironov
    Electronic and electro-technical equipment waste: practice of management.
    Electronic and electro-technical waste, technologies of electronic waste treatment, composition of electronic waste, electronic waste treatment facilities
    This article contains the final part of the paper on EETW recycling technologies, on existing technological solutions of this type of waste processing. A review of existing practice of electronic and electro-technical waste is provided. The conclusions and recommendations on EETW management system are given.

    M. Dolgykh, S.N. Okunev, S.N. Strizhkov
    Frozen screen for landfills in Far North
    SMW landfills in cold regions, impervious screens from frozen soils, thermal stabilization systems
    Traditional constructive solutions and construction methods are not always suitable in permafrost regions. As a rule, all impervious screens for isolation of SMW landfills do not maintain their hermetic properties under cold temperature reaching minus 50–60 C, which leads to the penetration of hazardous substances into the environment. In the natural-climatic conditions of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, the problem may be addressed by constructing, around landfills, horizontal or vertical impervious screens from frozen soils and ice, using the system of thermal stabilization. Examples of frozen screens at some facilities-landfills of the municipal and industrial waste, beginning in 1994, are given. Technological procedures are described.

    S. Elcock, A. Lifting, A. Tsui, T. Yutli, W. Snow
    Who will pay for disposal? On the extended liability of the producers
    Waste processing, expanded responsibilities of producers, cutting-down waste generation
    The paper discusses the issues associated with introduction of the expanded responsibilities of producers at the final stage of the life cycle of the production (e.g., packaging, household appliances, automobile tires, etc.). Examples of different approaches by state authorities, local administration, and industrial facilities to cutting-down waste generation are provided. Mechanisms and economical tools used in many countries for the transfer of the cost of utilization of products with the completed life cycle from the population to the producers, sellers, and consumers are discussed. Examples of the implementation of such mechanisms are given.

    N.Yu. Sopilko
    Waste processing: analysis of the world trends
    Municipal waste in various world countries, processing methods in various countries, volume of SMW produced
    The articles contains a review of the production and processing of the municipal waste in the world, including EC countries, China, Japan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. Data on the volume of waste and on levels of SMW processing and methods of its management for various countries are presented.

    France: certification and standardization of waste collection services
    The annual public presentation, Paris agglomeration, services quality seal, “ambassadors of separation”
    The paper provides data on the implementation of the national certification and unified standards for SMW collection services in France. It describes the criteria of the certification, developed based on the best management practice, that allow all the candidates seeking the quality seal, awarded by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Consumption of France to the facilities in the area of waste collection and disposal, to rise the quality of their services.

    In the Caribbean … the same problems – “trash”!
    Collection and removal of SMW, frequency of SMW removal in warm climate
    The paper gives excerpts from the guidelines on the municipal waste management, recommended for use in the countries of Latin America and in the cities of the Caribbean Basin. Practice may be useful in Russia, which proves the international character of not only “trash” problems, but also of the scenarios of their solution.
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