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Annotations of issues Municipal Solid Waste magazine (№ 10, October 2011)
| L.Ya. Shubov, O.N. Borisova, I.G. Doronkina
Waste management technologies: advantages and shortcomings, myths and reality
SMW treatment technologies, efficient separation of SMW, combining recycling and treatment of SMW
A brief analysis of advantages and shortcomings of different technologies of SMW treatment is given. The efficiency of the application of any technological process depends, in large part, on the composition of waste at the input point. Practice of technological solutions of SMW problems in different countries indicates that there is no universal method of SMW treatment satisfying modern requirements. Integrated treatment of SMW meets to the fullest degree these requirements and trends in the development of the world practice. The unifying process in the system of the integrated treatment of SMW is the efficient separation. Combining separation with thermal and biological treatment and development of the recycling system provides for economically and environmentally sound advantages.
A.L. Pryadko
Modern waste incinerating plants in the sanitation system of megacities’ territories
Sanitation, thermal deactivation, decontamination, waste incinerating plant, best available technologies, scrubbing system, laboratory-instrumental monitoring, health risk assessment
Environmental safety of the energy efficient and the most manageable and controlled industrial process of decontamination of municipal waste may be provided by high-end professional construction and operation of SMW thermal treatment facilities. The proven record of reconstruction and operation of WIP №3 allows concluding that, at the present time, modern high-tech thermal SMW treatment facilities may occupy an important place in the system of sanitation of cities in respect to deactivation and decontamination of SMW produced. The main conditions for providing safety of the population and of the environment in the process of SMW thermal treatment is the enhanced sanitation- epidemiological and environmental control by the state, operational inspection, as well as municipal control through the systems of automated environmental monitoring and unlimited public oversight with regular visits to operational facilitates.
L.V. Mironov
Electronic and electro-technical equipment waste: practice of management.
Electronic and electro-technical waste, technologies of electronic waste treatment, composition of electronic waste, electronic waste treatment facilities
The paper presents data on recycling technologies and analysis and comparison with existing technologic solutions of EETW treatment. Practice of different countries in relation to EETW treatment management systems organization is analyzed. A review of existing practice of EETW, including methods of treatment and use in Moscow, Moscow region, and the Republic of Tatarstan, is given. The decommissioning procedure for utilization of office equipment and a list of required documents are provided.
V.G. Gnedenko, I.V. Goryachev
Thermal plasma treatment of municipal waste in Russia
Thermal plasma treatment of SMW, technologies of thermal plasma waste treatment, cost-effectiveness of thermal plasma treatment
Cost-effectiveness of SMW thermal plasma plants depends, in large part, on existing rates for SMW treatment. Creation of economically effective SMW thermal plasma treatment plants is associated with energy and heat generation during waste processing with the use of hybrid power units and with receiving valuable commercial secondary products of processing. A hybrid steam-gas power unit with a partial use of natural gas and liquid diesel fuel that is obtained through catalytic depolymerization of polymer waste is suggested. Different technological methods of achieving high cost-effectiveness of SMW thermal plasma treatment are reviewed. A generalized assessment of expected economic indices from returns on the secondary SMW thermal plasma treatment products is presented.
V.A. Berman
Processing of PET bottles in Japan
SMW, regulations in Japan on environmental protection and on stimulation of separate waste collection and packaging processing, processing of PET bottles, technologies for PET processing, products from recycled materials
The paper descries practice of PET bottles processing at a Japanese facility and provides a general technological procedure of collection and processing of PET bottles. The regulations aimed at stimulating processing of recyclable materials into marketable new products are listed. Examples of products from recycled PET bottles are given.
O. P. Druzhakina
Strengths of logistic principles in waste management optimization
SMW utilization, recyclable materials, waste processing, separation, SMW management optimization
The author notes a minimal level of SMW reuse in her region: 3 – 4 % of the total volume of waste (plastic, glass, paper) at the overall potential of 75%. The issues of design of modern approaches to SMW management in Izhevsk, the Udmurt Republic, are analyzed from the standpoint of collection and retrieval of recyclable material in order to develop and justify a program for optimization of the SMW management system based on logistical principles.
O.V. Padalko
High temperature gas generation from waste: new trends of development
High temperature gas generation from waste, arc plasma generator, inductive plasma generator
Arc plasma generators (APG) are currently one of the main tools in the industrial gas generation from waste. The paper reviews new trends in development in this area, in particular, fundamentally new (for SMW HTGG) inductive plasma (IP) methods of creation of the zone of high (≥1 500 °C) temperatures with a full cycle of conversion of biomass to synthesized gas and of non-gasified fraction conversion to vitrified cake. IP-methods of HTGG were designed and are being actively developed in the USA by companies and organizations of the global scale in the area of applied plasma technologies, including SMW HTGG. The advantages of the first type of IP-methods in comparison to the HTGG-complexes based on plasma generators with the internal arc discharge and the features of the hybrid IP-APG are discussed.
Israel: regulations on waste burial
SMW landfills in Israel, use of technologies alternate to landfill burial
Understanding the gravity of accrued environmental safety problems has led the government of Israel to a decision on the closure of all illegal dumpsites, to their replacement with modern sanitation landfills, and to the implementation of technologies of processing of waste as a material and energy resource. In accordance with the adopted national plans on solid waste management, today, the largest part of all waste in Israel (about 4,3 mln t/yr) is buried in 15 sanitation landfills (instead of 500 illegal dumpsites in 1993). The paper provides information on refinement of the legislative framework for waste burial. The issues of business consciousness and economic incentives for market participants are discussed.
N.R. Sokolova
Reliable standards of waste accumulation – the basis of efficient sanitation
Sanitation of populated localities, regulatory requirements on waste accumulation
The paper discusses issues of defining regulatory requirements of waste accumulation and factors that influence the volume and composition of waste in populated localities. Open problems in the system of populated localities sanitation, leading to environmental pollution, including economic, regulatory, and organizational aspects, are identified. Only if reliable information on the volume of accumulated municipal waste is available, it is possible to forecast and design the entire procedure of populated localities sanitation. The author considers that the main factor that allows designing the management strategy of control over the municipal waste volume is the regulatory requirements to waste accumulation. |
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